miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

The education in Chile

This topic has been very important in the last year, here,  in Chile. ¿Why? In Chile the education is not free, in many other countries it is free because it is considered a right. And is a right! Not a good of consumption as seen in Chile.

The concept of “market education” comes from the military dictatorship, in this period the education in Chile was privatized, began to exist the private schools and private universitys, and started the ”profit”.

Thanks to the profit, many entrepreneurs of education have favoured, and this problem exists today. In addition, the education in Chile is bad, the quality is not good, the childrens of private schools receive better education than the childrens who studies in public schools. In the universtity, the tuitions are very high, and de low-income families cannot afford de children education.

Starting from these inefficiencies, in the year 2011 existed many mobilizations for education "free and quality", within the mobilizations there were marches, strikes and “tomas” of colleges and universities, flasmob, dances, cultural expressions, bike, videos alluding to the education, etc. Most of the students in Chile were mobilized to overthrow the current educational system, all this hard for at least 7 months. The society supported the cause, and often “cacerolazos” occurred in form de protest. The police repression was strong, there were many detainees and wounded, but the movement continued. Finally some progress was made, but it was difficult to convince the state to change the inefficient education system.
Today 2014, even fighting the same, there is profit and education is still a system of market, but we have hope even de this may improve, and to get the education "free and quality" that we all want.

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