viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Manal al Sharif: A brave woman

Inside the world there exist diverse cultures that have aspects jointly and others in those who are very different. One of the most radical differences that are considered nowadays is the discrimination between generes, especially to the women. One of the countries with more restrictions towards the women is Saudi Arabia, Islamic; where in his policies, for example, one prohibits to the women to lead vehicles, which has caused the world to have a vision of this country as "a territory not free ".

There is understood then that if a woman leads a vehicle in this country, this one will be punished by the law and will be imprisoned. It happened that in the year 2011 there began a so called campaign "Women 2 Drive" across the social networks, in which there took part a woman called Manal al Sharif, of 32 years. She on May 21 together with his brother, it recorded a video where she appears driving a vehicle, video that later was spread by the social networks. From this they stopped it then left her at liberty, and the following day they return to arrest her but they imprisoned this time for 9 days. The video was seen by thousands of persons in a little time, causing the indignation of some and the admiration of others.

In my opinion, she was a very brave woman, who risked his freedom and even his life on having demonstrated in opposition to a fact that it is unacceptable. The human beings, both men and women, must have the same rights, it cannot be that in a country is discriminated of such a form, not that a religion imposes laws that commit an outrage against any type of kind, managing to raise even death sentences.

1 comentario:

  1. Josefa,

    WC: 295. Very good.

    The expression of your opinion was much clearer tan the narration of events; sentences like:
    "…cultures that have aspects (jointly?) and others (in those) who? are very different… " are confusing.

    When you talk in general you say "women" or "men"; not "the women" or "the men".

    You need to be careful with the word choice, people DRIVE cars, (not LEAD)

    Anyway, I encourage you to try writing in English more, using more time to edit.


