miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Movie Review
Name of Movie: Earth 2100
Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie.  (50 words)
On one hand, the irresponsibility that the human have with the Earth. Some actions provoke the disappear of the species, the pollution in the city, problems in the health of the persons, alteration of the natural geography, etc. When the problems are visible, appears the panic in the population, another topic important.
Write a review (200 words) of the video.  Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.
“Earth 2100” talk about the destruction of the Earth across the time. This movie has a protagonist, that is a girl that live all of the process and experimented all of the changes. Her name is Lucy. She talk about of the relation of her life history with the decadence that is living through the Earth.
The Earth lives through a natural catastrophe, the extinction of many species, animals, shortage of natural resources, death of the vegetation and also that of the human being. All that is the consequence of the bad actions that the people have done. The human being who uses cars every day and this has created the pollution in the city, has not been in the responsible person with this, has not been conscious with the problems that this brings. When in the movie they show when the disasters begin, the people try to create a solution of this, but the problems continue.
In my opinion this movie shows the reality with the terrible consequences that probably happen in the future, is not removed of the reality. In my experience I have seen when the people cannot remain calm when an earthquake affects the city and, for me, that is a problem because is more complicated to solve the situation. Also I have seen people that is not interested in save the Earth, or simply to help with the cleanliness of his cities.
I´m going to work with the geography, and I expect to help with my knowledge to improve the quality of life of the persons as a whole in spite of preserving the nature.
List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.
1. When the people try to emigrate to other countries in search of help.
2. The search of solutions on parts of the scientists
3. The rise of the prices


1 comentario:

  1. Josefa,

    WC: over 350. Far too many. You need to stick to the instructions, which in this case was 300 words. You also need to work on the edition of your text, paying attention to aspects like word order, the use of definite article "the". Have a look at the correction of the very first paragraph:

    On one hand, the irresponsibility that (the) human have HAS with the Earth. Some actions provoke the disappearANCE of the species, (the) pollution in the city, problems in the health of (the) PEOPLE persons (PEOPLE'S HEALTH PROBLEMS), alteration of (the) natural geography, etc. When (the) problems are visible, (appears) (the) panic in the population, (another topic important)ANOTHER IMPORTANT TOPIC APPEARS: PANIC IN THE POPULATION.

    Too many mistakes for a short paragraph. Please, double check before you publish your comment. The film TALK about ...she TALK about...

    Your review may have a point, but it's not so easy to read. Please, consider this obs when you wrok on your next task.


