viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Sexual Discrimination: one of the Social Issues of Chile

Today the government say that more equality exists in genres, in politics, in works, rights, etc. Though the modern world has stimulate a series of changes in this kind, is clear that many differences exists in this kind compared with 50 years ago, but even exists discrimination to the feminine genre.

I don´t considerer a “feminist” or “chauvinist” person, but when I see the reality and with objectives eyes, I considerer that even exists important points that today I don´t know if they are far of to be completely results, but is true that has been complicated to advance in the “genre equality”.

For example in works, a man and a woman that occupy the same position, they work the same hours and under the same conditions, but they are not equally remunerated, the men earn a certain percent more than women. This not has to be like that, the capacities are not to measure as the genre. In another hand serious problem exists owed to the probabilities to be pregnant. The companies prefer to avoid to contract women between 18 and 30 years old owed to they have a high percent to be pregnant, because they are highly fertile ages. The fact that they conceive a baby implies medical licenses, obligatory payments of salary of the company, “post-natal” and a series of benefits that for rights the government tries to grant to the women in this condition. Therefore sometimes it turns to in a challenge to obtain a work under these conditions.

I think that the solution for these it is that the government continues advancing in the social politics that try to assure the rights of women, but this politics have to be stronger. I hope that manages to balance and to assure finally the equality of genre. 

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The Internet: Good or Evil?

Today, all of the people have access to the internet; It is very common in all the houses and also in public places find wi-fi. The internet offer a variety of functions, makes it easy to search for information, communication between the people and even there are people who work from their homes through the internet, It is as the basis of “Globalization”. But this tool has good and bad things, advantages and disadvantages.

In the advantages we can mention about the facilities that the internet offer us. It is easy and faster be able to obtain information of all kinds, know other cultures and persons of the foreigner, it facilitates the communication among the persons, for this the instantaneous communication exists across social networks, post office, etc. It allows to obtain a wide vision of what happens in the world, in ours around.

But on the other hand they find the disadvantages, which can manage to influence of bad form the utilization of the Internet. Nowadays privacy is had very small, due to the use of the social, such networks, as Facebook. On the other hand one we finds the use of the chats to know someone for this way, which is not known the one who is really. The above mentioned is very complicated especially by the children of 12 - 15 year old that shut in themselves in his houses to talk with strangers, which can manage to create serious problems. Also to this age one gives that the children already do not have social life with his couples of way presence, increases the loneliness and individualism.

In general, the Internet brings both advantages and disadvantages but to me to seem, the disadvantages come to very complicated limits.